Monday, February 20, 2006


A few other pictures from around KL


A monkey Posted by Picasa


The hotel where I stayed in KL Posted by Picasa


Lake Garden path toward the National Mosque Posted by Picasa


Monkeys in the park Posted by Picasa


Monkeys in the park Posted by Picasa


The Hindu Thaipusam Festival at the Batu Caves


The Thaipusam procession Posted by Picasa


me -- in the crowd up at the caves Posted by Picasa


Murugan up close Posted by Picasa


The guy is in a trance Posted by Picasa


The entrance to the Batu Caves Posted by Picasa


Crowds at Thaipusam Posted by Picasa


The entrance to the Batu Caves Posted by Picasa


The procession at Thaipusam Posted by Picasa


Crowd at Thaipusam Posted by Picasa


The crowds Posted by Picasa


Part of the procession Posted by Picasa


Pierced with limes Posted by Picasa


He pierced his back and the crowd pulls! Posted by Picasa


Drummers -- and a bit of my thumb Posted by Picasa


A colorful hat in the procession Posted by Picasa


The crowd Posted by Picasa


A guy with hooks pierced in his back Posted by Picasa


The throngs up the steps -- and Murugan Posted by Picasa


Crowds and temples -- and burning coals Posted by Picasa


Murugan again Posted by Picasa

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